Credit cards are becoming even more popular with business owners when making business purchases. But is it worth it?
Credit cards usually have an interest-free period of up to 56 days from the date of purchase and if you pay off the balance in full, the business will not be paying any interest. They also allow you to manage cash flow until customers pay, giving you the flexibility to use a card as a line of credit. It is relatively easy to apply for a credit card and often approval comes instantly and it works as a method of purchase protection if goods are lost, stolen or damaged. Credit cards can also be given to employees which enables spending to be tracked and monitored using spending limits. In addition, a business credit card can offer more perks than a personal credit card, this may be points for cashback or frequent-flyer programmes- it is always worth checking to see what you can gain!
However, credit cards do have a very high interest rate in comparison to other forms of lending. This means that you shouldn’t just make the minimum payments each month- always stick to the full balance repayments! If things do start to go downhill with the card, it will impact your credit score. This would then limit options for securing other, more suitable, sources of finance later in life.
A credit card really does help manage cash flow ups and downs, as long as you pay off the balance in full each month, so set a budget and stick to it!