Why should you switch your water supplier today? Put simply it is an open market! Retail suppliers buy wholesale services (the physical supply of water/ removal of wastewater) and offer a package to sell to customers. Since 1st April 2017, for non-residential customers the retail water market has been deregulated!
This means that non-household customers can buy their supply from any regulated provider- you are free to choose whoever you want. You can even have one retailer for water supply and another for removing wastewater!
Ofwat, the water regulator, has found that only 10% of businesses have switched, renegotiated or explored their water options and 41% of these businesses saved between 46% and 50% by switching providers!
Because there are many companies to choose between, there is competitive pricing, so savings are maximised. In addition, you can consolidate water and wastewater services and services for multiple sites- which saves you even more!
Make the most of your freedom- change water supplier! Water companies can offer tailor services to help you cut consumption and offer better data on your use and smart metering. This lowers your water bill and keeps you keep track of what you are using as a business.
Finding a new deal is relatively straightforward; you can just use a comparison site such as open-water.org.uk. Sometimes you wouldn’t even have to switch provider- if you find a cheaper deal just ask your current supplier to match it!